Virgo SZN - Aug 23 - September 22
Mercury Rx in Virgo 2:59am August 23
There are normally two storm periods, and the storm periods for this retrograde are August 15th - 31st 2023(and September 11th - 20th 2023.
Patience — we are invited to bring in clearing, cleansing, and transforming.
Virgo rules our health and habits, so this retrograde might bring out health issues and stall our good habits while amplifying bad ones. It's a good opportunity to prioritize your overall well being though, and you can make more time to take care of yourself, which can help with stress (can you tell stress is the main theme?). This is also a good time for routine maintenance of all kinds.
Edges being tested, healthy outlets highlighted — lean into those.
Understand it’s not a reflection of you but instead an opportunity that understand the reality around you.
Accept the opportunity to rise to the occasion.