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Writer's picture: ChamonixChamonix

“Are things better or worse the second time around? Can we really do anything more than once?" - Morgan Freeman, ‘Runnin’ by 21 Savage. Uranus stationed Retrograde in Taurus yesterday, and this weekend we have a Full Moon in Aquarius. This is the 2nd Aquarius Full Moon in a row, and the 3rd Full Moon in one Season, making it also a rare ‘Blue Moon’. Detail fueled & highly efficient Virgo Season starts Sunday, and we have 5 planets Retrograde, (Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus). Things can feel tepid as we’re easing into a takeoff and double checking all of our choices first (Mercury will Retrograde in September to really solidify the foundation). When all of this energy starts to station direct beginning in October and working towards the Winter Eclipses and the final Saturn - Uranus Square on Christmas Eve, we want to be fully prepared for the opportunities cued up for us. It's critical to take things slowly & steady. The first Full Moon in Aquarius on July 23rd was paired with disciplinary & restrictive Saturn, which made the energy feel serious. It’s different with this weekend’s Full Moon as it joins up with Jupiter; a planet that prefers to take things up a level instead of following the rules. These Moons are working in tandem with one another, one being the entrance and the other the exit, so if something transpired under the July Full Moon that felt incomplete in some way, we might find that this August Full Moon brings some closure or allows us to release. Aquarius is all about doing things differently, it encourages innovation, growth & looking at things from a new perspective. With the Sun concluding its journey in Leo, there is an added boost of creative & courageous energy offered to us, which helps our transitions take flight. Whatever is manifesting for us under this Full Moon will be loud, bold & clear for all to see; there is no guesswork with this Moon. It illuminates circumstances that are already in existence; it’s a Peace Offering, a Reconciliation towards any missteps we had leading up to the First Aqua Full Moon. A clear runway in the right direction is ahead of us, another chance; keep going, with authenticity & clear in conscious.



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