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Scorpio New Moon 2021

Writer's picture: ChamonixChamonix

We knew this Scorpio SZN would be setting the stage for the cultivation of more intimate relationships and stepping into our power, but now we take it one step further with the Scorpio New Moon. November 4th & 5th both the Sun & the Moon will be in the Zodiac of Scorpio; both also will be forming stimulating connections with Mars. Mars represents how we take action, our instinctual nature, aggression, & drive. Mars will be at home during the New Moon, as it’s traditionally one of the planetary rulers of Scorpio. Mars will also be forming an opposition with incalculable Uranus. We’re being pushed to take “sudden yet inspired action” in order to make necessary changes that are aligned with our true values. This New Moon is an opportunity to connect with your most intimate desires & the shadow side of life, and to get invested in what makes you curious, and to bridge the gap between what you know intuitively and intellectually. By doing so, you’ll find it's easier to celebrate whatever makes you unique, and to begin a deeply fulfilling New Lunar Cycle / chapter in life. As I’ve stated before, this New Moon energy can be experienced heavily 4 days prior to & 4 days after hitting it’s exact degree (Scorpio New Moon exact on 11/4 @ 4:14pm). As mentioned, contractual Mercury in Libra is in its final hours before entering Scorpio as well, this ingression is creating powerful connections with both uplifting Jupiter and transformational Pluto; new opportunities & partnerships will start to manifest. But in order to receive more you must first let go; Scorpio is well known for it’s ability to destruct & regenerate, and that type of creative healing process is exactly what’s called for at this time. The trick? Dig deep while aiming high. The energy you introduce during this New Moon will grow and eventually peak in the Scorpio Full Moon on April 17th, 2022. This is a moment to focus on transformation, growth & setting yourself up for success. Look to see where Scorpio falls in your Natal chart to better understand where this cycle will initiate change in your life.



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