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Part 4

Writer's picture: ChamonixChamonix

The Full Moon in Capricorn on June 24th provides us very optimistic and generous because it is sextile Jupiter, working overtime with Neptune’s retrograde. The Moon makes an extremely close conjunction to the fixed star of Polis (a star in the upper-bow of the Sagittarius constellation). The Moon - Polis conjunction, combined with the hardworking and driven Zodiac of Capricorn, makes this a very fortunate Full Moon with an emphasis on success, honesty & spirituality. But again, not every explanation or analogy is always what it seems, because this Full Moon only serves good fortune and honesty to aide and counteract the deceptive and somewhat treacherous influence of June 10th’s Solar Eclipse in Gemini, where we found ourselves plunging forward, with one foot in our past life and one foot reaching for the uncharted territory we stand on now. Think back to the New Moon in Capricorn in January, we were asked to conduct ourselves from a moral high-ground as the sharp eye of Saturn oversaw our intentions. What have we done in the past 6 months, and what do we want in the coming 6 months? The Capricorn Moon comes to restructure and transform our lives to realign us where we’ve gotten off track, and if needed, we can expect a few shocks and jolts to get us there. Friday, the Moon enters graceful Libra at 3:53am, we’re given the beautiful opportunity to cultivate connection in our relationships into Saturday - but we may feel a little indecisive as we move about. Sunday, the Moon enters Scorpio at 6:57am and we welcome the Sun into Cancer SZN (and Summer Solstice & the end of Mercury Rx!). Things can feel intense, a little uneasy, maybe even supernatural with all of the energy shifts; we may be driven to get to the bottom line of things as we move towards the Full Moon. “To expect the unexpected shows a throughly modern intellect.” - Oscar Wilde



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