“Always say what you mean and mean what you say. Express how you feel and don’t ever apologize for being real.” “Say what you think and not what you think you should say”. These are two quotes that come to mind as Mercury is approaching its entrance into Aries on the 18th. Mercury in Aries is clear, concise & emphatic (not empathetic). Aries’ words come straight from the brain - this transit increases our ability to be direct. We’re encouraged to speak forcefully and make our points quickly. Too many details can feel frustrating because the details slow Mercury in Aries down - Aries is a leader, who prefers facts over feelings. The cosmic mental energy level is high and more aggressive during this transit, and we’re encouraged to embrace a desire to push forward. Skill sets worked on while Mercury is in Aries include giving orders and instructions, as well as delivering motivational statements. Having our minds attuned to the ways of Aries is a bit of a head start, as on the 20th we step into Aries Season and the Spring Equinox. Quickly following suit, we receive a New Moon in Aries on the 21st. This intense takeoff isn’t as it seems though, because on the 23rd, Pluto, the planet of Death & Resurrection, leaves it’s 15 year stay in Capricorn and briefly enters Aquarius. Aquarius is electric and unconventional, and combined with Pluto, promises lighting speed changes that set the tone for the years to come. The pace lessens around the 25th, only to root us home before jolting us out of our comfort zones again. The challenge now lies in protecting our Peace, no matter the cost.
(so connecting with @eugenia_loli’s art lately. I’ve always enjoyed it but lately I’m really feeling it).
additional notes -
a few things to consider that seem in the background but are important.
We have two Aries New Moons approaching. March 21st
then again April 19th, when it's also a solar eclipse.
With so much exchanging happening between Aries and Taurus, we can almost anticipate this as a sudden change that focuses on getting to the point, and rebuilding structures after. Taurus is stubborn, Aries is always at a fast track pace. We'll then have a Mercury retrograde, which really aims to serve us as we navigate how to take the next best steps.
Remember what you're working for and trust the universe is providing.
