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Mercury in Pisces - Virgo Full Moon

Writer's picture: ChamonixChamonix

“It only has to make sense to you.” From March 2nd - March 18th, Mercury, the planet of communication, will pass through the sign of Pisces. Mercury in Pisces feels like one long free flowing thought, pulling your dreams, whims, emotions, & imagination all into one function. Mercury in Pisces softens our mental hustle, and aims to show us that we have so much to gain when we simply loosen our grip. Mercury in Pisces is the Poet, light on the facts and heavy on the emotions. Tactful however moody, Mercury in Pisces feels out their audience before their delivery, as to convey their message with, gentle but subtle, impact. Dreamy and indirect, Mercury in Pisces absorbs so much emotion within communication that it often becomes caught in a fog. It picks up on subtleties of all kinds, so what it lacks in organization it makes-up for with insight. Watch for being too impressionable over the next month, and stay grounded. To tether us to reality, the Full Moon in Virgo steps in next Tuesday, the 7th. Absolutely non-coincidentally, Saturn exits its 3 year stay in Aquarius and begins its new journey through the sign of Pisces, on the 7th as well. Saturn is the task-maker and Pisces is the dreamer, this next Saturn transit seeks to bring order to the ethers. Information can surface under the light of a full moon, and with a full moon in Virgo, the analytical earth sign, it could reveal intriguing details that aide in helping us to reorganize and reprioritize our lives. (Find Virgo in your birth chart to understand this point of focus for you.) A full moon in Virgo invites clarity during the whirlwind that is Pisces SZN. Saturn in Pisces will be providing a spiritual bootcamp until February of 2026, as we realize our potential, take responsibility for our actions, and learn how to cope with the hard realities of life. Pisces has the ability to swim upstream, and we can expect the steps we take over the next month will very important as we form new boundaries and set new standards that honor our emotions and our goals. Pisces is the Divine, Virgo the Messenger, Saturn the Director — “Don’t be afraid to let go of it all. Only in silence will you hear your calling ring out”.

“It only has to make sense to you.” From March 2nd - March 18th, Mercury, the planet of communication, will pass through the sign of Pisces. Mercury in Pisces feels like one long free flowing thought, pulling your dreams, whims, emotions, & imagination all into one function. Mercury in Pisces softens our mental hustle, and aims to show us that we have so much to gain when we simply loosen our grip. Mercury in Pisces is the Poet, light on the facts and heavy on the emotions. Tactful however moody, Mercury in Pisces feels out their audience before their delivery, as to convey their message with, gentle but subtle, impact. Dreamy and indirect, Mercury in Pisces absorbs so much emotion within communication that it often becomes caught in a fog. It picks up on subtleties of all kinds, so what it lacks in organization it makes-up for with insight. Watch for being too impressionable over the next month, and stay grounded. To tether us to reality, the Full Moon in Virgo steps in next Tuesday, the 7th. Absolutely non-coincidentally, Saturn exits its 3 year stay in Aquarius and begins its new journey through the sign of Pisces, on the 7th as well. Saturn is the task-maker and Pisces is the dreamer, this next Saturn transit seeks to bring order to the ethers. Information can surface under the light of a full moon, and with a full moon in Virgo, the analytical earth sign, it could reveal intriguing details that aide in helping us to reorganize and reprioritize our lives. (Find Virgo in your birth chart to understand this point of focus for you.) A full moon in Virgo invites clarity during the whirlwind that is Pisces SZN. Saturn in Pisces will be providing a spiritual bootcamp until February of 2026, as we realize our potential, take responsibility for our actions, and learn how to cope with the hard realities of life. Pisces has the ability to swim upstream, and we can expect the steps we take over the next month will very important as we form new boundaries and set new standards that honor our emotions and our goals. Pisces is the Divine, Virgo the Messenger, Saturn the Director — “Don’t be afraid to let go of it all. Only in silence will you hear your calling ring out.”



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