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Gemini Full Moon

Writer's picture: ChamonixChamonix

“The fog always lifts”. On December 3rd, Neptune, the Planet of Illusion & Fantasy, stations Direct after a 5 month retrograde. We’ve been subtly experiencing the celestial GPS work its magic and steer us in the right direction. Now is a time of hopefulness & compassion. With Jupiter and Neptune both Direct in Pisces, our creativity can be heightened and we can more easily follow our feelings, and act on our hopes. Any confusion we’ve had over the last 5 months will clear, and things will get a lot more straightforward from here. With Jupiter & Neptune Direct and the high-flying Sagittarius Sun in the lead, the Full Moon in Gemini on December 7th / 8th will encourage heartfelt freedom of expression. Our words will feel concrete even as we speak on our dreams, as Mercury, the Planet of Communication, will have moved into practical Capricorn on the 6th. This is a phenomenal time for development and things coming to fruition. Even as Mars retrogrades in Gemini along side the Moon, we can know that Universe is honoring both our Human & our Spiritual sides — and to trust that anything Mars stirs up or airs out is meant for dissolution. We’re challenged to truly value what we’re spending our time on, and to make a stand for it. The week ahead shows us that is welcome and okay for us to feel, to experience, and to enjoy the bounty and boundaries we have built for ourselves.



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