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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

Writer's picture: ChamonixChamonix

In Astrology, the Sun is the Father & the Moon is the Mother. On a Full Moon, the Father Sun is in one Zodiac and the Mother Moon is in the exact opposite Zodiac. The two opposites are a pair (there’s 6 pairs / 12 Zodiacs total). They’re referred to as Sister Signs; they’re directly related to each other however they’re on the opposite ends of the Spectrum (Axis) from one another. During a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, the Sun & Moon sit opposite of each other, with us, on Earth, in the middle. The sparring of the authorities around us places us in situations we often don’t see coming, as well rendering us unsure of how to handle their energies; the friction creates situations that require critical thinking & taking approaches we may be unfamiliar with. Eclipses are referred to as “fated acts of God”; they’re meant to align us with something we’ve been missing, changes we greatly need to make, or awareness we’ve been denying. We’ve come to learn that when the Hands of God appear, they come accompanied by a very peculiar teaching style. The blessing of Astrology is that we can anticipate the events that’ll transpire when we look at the Zodiacs, Houses & transits involved. From there we can take heed and clue into our next steps. The November 18th / 19th Eclipse will be the longest the eclipse we’ve had in 580 years, lasting 3 hours & 28 minutes. Being in the stable & stubborn Zodiac of Taurus, it’s no surprise that this Earth Sign will take its time transiting the sky. The Taurus Eclipse is on a Mission as she moves us from the Gemini - Sagittarius Eclipse cycle that we’ve been in since June 5th, 2020, and into the transformative Taurus - Scorpio polarity. Wherever this illumination falls in your chart, it places an energetic spotlight & initiates changes for the next 18 months. Taurus represents material resources; money, abundance, natural elements, fertility, sensuality & stability. We can expect shifts in these areas. With the Sun & Moon in this tug of war, we can reach a compromise by agreeing to purge both our hearts & our minds by walking away from what no longer suits us. Don't tiptoe into awareness - this Full Moon gives you permission to open the throttle.



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