“The day you plant the seed is not the day you pick the fruit. To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow”. This week we welcomed Taurus Season and invited its prosperous energy into our lives. The Taurus Sun immediately met a Square from Pluto that unearthed all of our feelings of instability and brought them to the surface for this weekend’s 3rd Quarter Moon in Aquarius (23rd / 24th). We’re approaching a transition and the goal is to release any stubborn habits, mindsets and restrictions along the way. Over the next week we approach Pluto’s Retrograde in Capricorn, Mercury’s transition into Gemini, and the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus. Pluto, the planet of transformation, will be Rx for 5 months (4.29 - 10.8th), providing intense fresh starts & personal transformations pertaining to commitment, responsibility, & boundaries. Mercury, moving into one of its two ruling signs, will feel right at home in versatile Gemini (4.29) until it’s upcoming retrograde, May 10th - June 18th. Until then we’ll be in the Rx shadow / pre-season, but communication will be fast paced & sharp as we get the information we need. From the 28th of April - June 18, all conversations & experiences are up for more revision. Eclipses are irregular movements, they’re disruptions to a natural cycle; but the change they bring is always for the sake of life’s purest intervention. Eclipses are known for bringing shake-ups & sudden shifts to our trajectories. Eclipses signify moments of fate, so the things that happen tend to send ripples through our foreseeable futures. The Eclipse on the 29th is in steady & stable Taurus, allowing us to move through the transit with more ease and determination. This is an ideal time to start making plans & being productive, especially when it comes to making money. Regardless of how steady Taurus is though, Uranus, the Planet of the Unexpected, is jumping into the action as well, in a conjunction with the North Node of Destiny, also in Taurus. Uranus is testing your sense of security, pushing the boundaries and causing experimentation. Your sense of stability will be completely different by the end of this year — Surrender.